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Firstly, I can’t guarantee that you’re going to write the number 1 Hit song on Billboard, but I can give you tips and steps on how to write an original song (if you haven’t already). Maybe it will become a Hit one day! haha


So here are 10 steps to write an original song:

1. Research


To write a song first, you have to imagine what style you want the song to be in. Get inspired, listen to your favourite songs, analyse. But don’t set strict rules, you’ll feel what’s best at the time. This will help you lead the whole process.

Playing the Piano

2. What are my songwriting tools?


Think about what equipment you have / can use. If you don’t have any, don’t worry, you can still create an amazing song without it! But any equipment can help you in the songwriting process. Many songwriters use a piano or guitar, but you can also use a drum machine, a synth, or a MIDI controller. Use the equipment you want to use/feel comfortable with.

3. Lyrics or Melody first?


It’s like asking whether you put milk or cereal in a bowl first haha


Either way, lyrics or melodies, it depends on the person, but personally, I make the melody first. I feel like when I have a melody, the process becomes so much smoother and it catches people’s attention! That’s why learning simple chords / music theory will be useful for you. Besides, there are several programs / websites that can help you learn music theory. If you’re playing an instrument, start with a good set of 4 chords for beginners (e.g., G, Em, Am, D).


But if you enjoy writing poetry, perhaps you better come up with lyrics first? It’s your decision, so do as you like! There are no rules!

4. Structure


Traditionally, most songs have the same structure, but you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to. However, the most commonly used structure is:




Pre-Chorus (builds up to chorus)

Chorus (catchy tune)

Verse2 (similar to 1st verse)


Bridge (build up: different from chorus and verses)

Chorus (add some spice, some flavour to it-make it stronger)



You can follow this structure or not, do it the way you want!

Rebates for Music Teachers

 5. Freestyle/improvise 


Once you have the chords or a melody, try to improvise! You have no idea how interesting things can be created by improvising! So just feel the mood and start mumbling haha!

6. Voice Memos/Audio Recorder


When you freestyle, it’s important to use some kind of Audio Recorder such as Voice Memos or so to capture what you created! Don’t say that you will remember everything because you won't haha


Also, it’s very nice to come back to the previous recordings, even they can give you some ideas for a new song!

Black Notebook

 7. Invest in a little notebook


If you are starting to write songs, you want to get all your ideas somewhere. Don’t put it on a napkin or a piece of paper that you may lose. Invest in a little notebook! This will help you be more organised!

8. Practice


The phrase ‘Practice makes perfect’ works everywhere and I totally agree. You need to put in work to achieve results so don’t be lazy and you will succeed! Don’t give up!

9. Show it to your family/friends or not haha


After some practice, you can show your song to your friends and family. They can give some advice or tips on how to improve it (unless it’s so amazing that you don’t need to change it haha). Either way, they will give you some confidence and you will feel like you achieved something!

Recording Studio

10. Record?


Once you are happy with the song why not record it?

However, you will need some kind of experience, knowledge to record music, unless you have someone that can help you to do that. Also, you will need equipment such as a computer, a DAW (digital audio workstation), an interface, a microphone, cables, headphones, speakers, and other equipment. But in my opinion, it’s worth investing in equipment! Either way, it will pay off!

Helpful tips:


  1. You don’t need to rhyme

  2. Don’t rush it! Take your time

  3. Be creative

  4. Practice makes perfect. So write more!

  5. Don’t give up!

  6. Don’t doubt your ability

  7. Create with others

  8. Have Fun!


I hope this inspired you to create an original song! As with everything, practice makes perfect so just keep on doing what feels good and good luck! 






Dovilė Steikūnaitė xxx

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